Moves to end pay dispute at QinetiQ


Moves to end pay dispute at QinetiQ

Scientists, engineers and technology specialists in the recently floated defence and security company QinetiQ have confirmed that talks over the pay dispute have progressed following assurances given during a meeting with chief executive Graham Love.

Prospect national secretary, David Luxton, said: "We are now confident that the average increase will be well in excess of the original 2 per cent offer and the rate of inflation.

"We have had a further positive reassurance from the chief executive that the company remains committed to the principles of the 2004 pay agreement, which had been a bone of contention. This will ensure that pay rates in QinetiQ properly reflect the median of the market rate for the job.

"There will be a formal review later in the year of the pay of those business areas that opted only to pay 1 per cent."

Prospect represents 3,000 scientists and other specialists within the company.