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There are 5290 documents that match the specified criteria.

ID Document type Title Publication date
2023/00701 Local newsletter BT London Circular – July 2023 12 July 2023
2023/00695 Circular: Standard NEC PASC - Mansion House Speech and Consultations - July 2023 12 July 2023
2023/00694 Circular: Standard Gender Pension Gap - civil service pension scheme 11 July 2023
2023/00679 Circular: Standard PSS Exec - Pension Update - July 2023 10 July 2023
2023/00681 Submission McCloud Remedy Consultation Response - May 2023 10 July 2023
2023/00666 Circular: Standard Agenda for freelancers' pensions 06 July 2023
2023/01342 Agreement ITC Bectu Independent Producers Collective Agreement 05 July 2023
2023/01191 Knowledge Document APA Recommended Terms 
For Engaging Crew On The Production Of Commercials
 Effective July 2023 04 July 2023
2023/00647 Circular: Standard NEC PASC - AEAT Pension Scheme Update - July 2023 04 July 2023
2023/01337 Ratecard Post Production & Facilities Branch – Post-Sound ratecard 2023-2024 29 June 2023
2023/00629 Briefing Pay Bulletin June 2022 23 June 2023
2023/00620 Circular: Standard Prospect statement of accounts 2022 19 June 2023
2023/00592 Local newsletter BT Scot & NI Circular – June 2023 12 June 2023
2023/00591 Local newsletter BT London Circular – June 2023 12 June 2023
2023/01187 Knowledge Document Working during hot weather 09 June 2023
2023/00582 Circular: Standard NEC PASC - Gender Pension Gap - Update - June 2023 09 June 2023
2023/00581 Circular: Standard NEC PASC - Gender Pension Gap - Presentations - June 2023 09 June 2023
2023/00564 Annual report Prospect Annual Report 2022 02 June 2023
2023/00548 Briefing Prospect Pay Bulletin May 2023 25 May 2023
2023/00545 Local newsletter BT Scot & NI Circular - May 2023 24 May 2023
2023/00543 Local newsletter BT London Circular – May 2023 23 May 2023
2023/00532 Policy UK GDPR DOC 2.5 Personal Data Breach Procedure 2023 18 May 2023
2023/00521 Leaflet/booklet Delivering clean power – A mission for the energy system 16 May 2023
2023/00519 Briefing Agenda for UK STEM 15 May 2023
2023/00486 Leaflet/booklet HSE under pressure: A perfect storm 24 April 2023
2023/00477 Leaflet/booklet Design, build and maintain: Effective defence procurement 20 April 2023
2023/00476 Employment law update Employment Law Update 492 Bank Holidays – the latest 20 April 2023
2023/00471 Submission WPC-submission-re-PPF-April2023 19 April 2023
2023/00470 Submission Consultation on Code of Practice on Dismissal & Re-engagement 18 April 2023
2023/00466 Local newsletter BT Scot and NI Circular – April 2023 18 April 2023