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Browsing these lists
The Collections list shows live documents, but not archived ones. The Document Type list (further down the page) shows all documents, including archived ones.
Archive -
Outdated documents
Briefing collection -
All the briefings, including Employment law updates
Circulars collection -
Circulars to committees, groups, networks, trustees and sectors. Also to Branch secretaries, Section secretaries, and sub-section secretaries
Committee and governance -
Documents classified for committees
Conference & events collection -
Details of the national conferences, sector and specialist conferences
Guides collection -
Members and Rep guides, FACT cards, etc
Media and press -
Speeches, press releases, posters and publicity documents
News -
News stories and releases
Projects collection -
A collection of materials related to projects
Publications collection -
Profile, Report, Newsletters, Annual Report
Recruitment resources collection -
A collection of recruitment materials and resources.
Reference collection -
A collection of internal and external reference materials
Staff -
Staff handbook, staff policies, role profiles and forms such as expenses, etc.
Templates & forms collection -
A collection of all the templates and forms
When you browse by Document type you see archived documents as well as live ones