Browse Topic Equal opportunities


Topic: Equal opportunities

There are 222 documents that match the specified criteria.

ID Document type Title Publication date
2017/00468 Information update (News) Prospect wins Scottish discrimination case 10 March 2017
2008/00092 Members' guide Members' guide to equality at work 24 February 2017
2016/02246 Information update (News) “We must create a fairer Scotland together” 01 December 2016
2016/02205 Information update (News) Raising Horizons exhibition puts women scientists in the picture 24 November 2016
2016/02176 Circular: Standard Consultation - Improving Lives Green Paper Work Health & Disability 21 November 2016
2016/02116 Information update (News) Religious discrimination pay case heads to Supreme Court 11 November 2016
2016/02105 Information update (News) Prospect fights rise in football sexism 10 November 2016
2016/02044 Information update (News) International agreement on violence in the world of work underway 02 November 2016
2016/01978 Information update (News) Satnam Ner is shaping history as the first black STUC vice-president 20 October 2016
2016/01974 Information update (News) Wear red on Friday 21 October 19 October 2016
2016/01957 Information update (News) Prospect member wins VOA staff award 17 October 2016
2016/01815 Information update (News) Members carry union banners on first Guernsey Pride parade 16 September 2016
2016/01762 Information update (News) Prospect motion on sexual harassment debated at TUC 11 September 2016
2016/01692 Information update (News) Prospect goes back to school with gender bias campaign video 05 September 2016
2016/01700 News release Prospect goes back to school with gender bias campaign video 05 September 2016
2016/01639 Information update (News) Close gender pay gap to address skills shortages 23 August 2016
2016/01578 Information update (News) Prospect wins unfair dismissal case for BT member 04 August 2016
2016/01468 Information update (News) Participants hail black and minority ethnic training event 13 July 2016
2016/01388 Information update (News) Call for equal pension rights for same-sex couples 01 July 2016
2016/01302 News release Women workers highlight problems with ill-fitting protective equipment 21 June 2016
2016/01301 Information update (News) Women workers highlight problems with ill-fitting protective equipment 21 June 2016
2016/01273 Information update (News) Black and minority ethnic members urged to respond to careers survey 17 June 2016
2016/01230 Information update (News) Women take legal action against Met Office over equal pay 08 June 2016
2016/01095 Information update (News) Football fringe tackles challenges faced by women in the sport 19 May 2016
2016/01054 Information update (News) Women in Football at Prospect conference 09 May 2016
2016/01003 Information update (News) Report of the 25th TUC Black Workers Conference, London 15 – 17th April 2016 26 April 2016
2016/01002 Information update (News) Women are a necessity for invention 26 April 2016
2016/00565 Information update (News) Equality at work - brought to you by your union! 07 March 2016
2016/00402 Information update (News) Prospect rep Ele Wade shares equal pay story on Today programme 12 February 2016
2015/01590 Information update (News) Prospect guidance to help employers attract more women to STEM roles 04 December 2015