Browse Topic Public service


Topic: Public service

There are 118 documents that match the specified criteria.

ID Document type Title Publication date
2019/01380 Information update (News) Pay offer divides Scottish prison staff 11 September 2019
2019/01268 Information update (News) Prospect concerned at threat to Scotland's disease surveillance capability 22 August 2019
2019/01261 Information update (News) Civil service unions issue warning to government on pensions 19 August 2019
2019/01046 Leaflet/booklet Standards for professionals in education and children's services in England 05 July 2019
2019/01022 Information update (News) Boris Johnson's pledge on pay is welcome but we will believe it when we see it 01 July 2019
2019/00754 Information update (News) This government’s commitment to the hardworking members of its civil service looks increasingly hollow 07 May 2019
2019/00638 Information update (News) New redundancy cap will hit ordinary public sector workers 10 April 2019
2018/02112 Information update (News) Mixed messages from Scottish Government on pay 12 December 2018
2018/02078 Information update (News) Civil servants bear brunt of Brexit uncertainty 03 December 2018
2018/01969 Information update (News) Fair Work agreement for Scotland's civil servants 13 November 2018
2018/01875 Information update (News) Unions write to new Civil Service chief after legal challenge fails 26 October 2018
2018/01865 Information update (News) Prospect welcome progress on bullying in parliament 24 October 2018
2018/01864 Information update (News) Civil service pay legal challenge fails but exposes government duplicity 24 October 2018
2018/01855 Information update (News) Public sector pension schemes are sustainable 23 October 2018
2018/01848 Information update (News) Government still don’t understand damage their policies on pay cause to services 22 October 2018
2018/01839 Information update (News) Further delay to reform of the Research Councils Pension Scheme 18 October 2018
2018/01827 Information update (News) Prospect writes to party leaders over Westminster bullying 16 October 2018
2018/01776 Information update (News) Guernsey civil service announce major restructure 09 October 2018
2018/01754 Information update (News) Legal action has revealed unprecedented duplicity by government on pay 05 October 2018
2018/01703 Information update (News) Prospect backs Better Work Better Lives 01 October 2018
2018/01677 Information update (News) Prospect warns of £5bn shortfall to frontline services due to public sector pension changes 25 September 2018
2018/01588 Information update (News) Prospect warns no good reason to review public sector pension cap 07 September 2018
2018/01558 Information update (News) Only 5% of civil service experts satisfied with government handling of Brexit 31 August 2018
2018/01528 Information update (News) Environment Agency board urged to act on pay 24 August 2018
2018/01524 Information update (News) Civil service unions issue press statement on allegations against Alex Salmond 24 August 2018
2018/01501 Information update (News) Prospect puts air traffic issues on First Minister's radar 16 August 2018
2018/01461 Information update (News) Environment Agency members call for move from pay guidance 07 August 2018
2018/01404 Information update (News) Prospect responds to Foreign Office admission of being worst paid department 19 July 2018
2018/01380 Information update (News) Paybill increase of 4.11% for Scottish Parliament 18 July 2018
2018/01393 Information update (News) Prospect and unions to launch legal action on civil service pay 17 July 2018