Title : Allowances Review - MoD 2015
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Attachments/related documents
ID | Document type | Title | Publication date |
2015/01024 | Attachment | Functional RRA Negotiation Proposals | 21 August 2015 |
2015/01025 | Attachment | Functional RRA Supporting Data to Proposals | 21 August 2015 |
2015/01026 | Attachment | Location RRA Negotiation Proposals | 21 August 2015 |
2015/01027 | Attachment | Location RRA Supporting Data to Proposals | 21 August 2015 |
2015/01028 | Attachment | Informal Consultation Letter Responsibility Allowance | |
2015/01029 | Attachment | Clothing and Tool Allowance Proposal Package | |
2015/01034 | Attachment | Consultation & Negotiations of Various Allowances | |
2015/01035 | Attachment | Environmental Allowance Package |
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