Prospect negotiator Dai Hudd condemned the way the government announced its decision by "hiding it in the detail of the Treasury White Paper on Public Service Agreements, published July 12. No indication was given to us that such an ill-thought decision was coming. This undermines any confidence we can have in Ministers’ handling of this issue."
The union also has serious doubts for safety across the affected sites. BNFL and the UK Atomic Energy Authority, the current operators of the UK nuclear sites, face massive changes following the creation of the new Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. In addition, half these sites will now also have to prepare for competition.
Said Hudd: "The climate that will be created by this decision will undermine workforce morale, give managers an unnecessary distraction from their task of overseeing the decommissioning process and stretch regulations to the limit. Exactly the type of conditions that may force even the most committed and professional of workforces to take their eye off the ball."
Prospect is seeking an urgent meeting with Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. The union will also be speaking to MPs and peers who spoke on this issue during the passage of the Energy Bill through Parliament.
Nuclear clean-up plans undermined by Treasury
Prospect, the largest union in the nuclear industry, has reacted angrily to government plans for a forced competition of nuclear decommissioning work at 50% or more of the UK’s nuclear sites.