"Enough is enough" – MOD specialists tell Government


"Enough is enough" – MOD specialists tell Government

Union members in the Ministry of Defence have given overwhelming backing to Prospect’s campaign to protect jobs in the MOD, heralding a potential wave of industrial action in a traditionally conservative area.

Members of Prospect – representing over 15,000 technical and specialist MOD civil servants – have voted by 20:1 in support of a campaign strategy to tackle government plans for job cuts, further privatisation and relocation of many activities.

The MOD plans to cut one in nine civilian jobs over three years and to privatise key areas like aircraft repair, armoured vehicle maintenance and services’ training.

Prospect members were balloted during May and asked to support a series of demands covering redundancy and the enforced transfer of staff. The other MOD unions also balloted their members.

Prospect National Secretary Steve Jary said: "Prospect members have exceeded all our expectations in both the turnout and the strength of their support for our campaign. This sends a strong message to ministers and MOD management.

"Support to the armed forces will suffer without the wholehearted commitment of specialist and technical staff. Prospect members have said ‘enough is enough’."