| Subjects include: Pay, Restructuring of the CS Compensation Scheme, Bonus Scheme, External Assistance, outsourcing, UMF project & Learning Agreement. Also thanks and an award to retiring Vice President Ernie Buckeridge.
| Civil service Defence Pay Pensions Reps' training & development
| Briefing collection Publications collection
| C088 SSVC C092 MoD: ISS S094 ABL O104 MOD: Air O105 MOD: Fire Service Officers O112 MOD: Defence Training and Education C117 MOD: RCNC C121 MOD : Central Staffs O143 MOD: Defence Infrastructure Organisation O202 DSTL O236 Babcock DSG O239 MOD: Land O263 MOD: UKStratCom O264 Defence Equipment & Support
| MoD Group Council
| Steve Jary
| Members, Prospect Staff, Public (Title only)