Prospect have had productive meetings with Openreach to discuss the iPOP Review, and although the majority of the implications of iPOP are for our colleagues in the CWU we have represented the interests of our members in those meetings to help shape various aspects of the review.
The proper use of iPOP is an essential part of the transformation of Openreach. When members are managing people it is important not only to have accurate information but also to be able to dig beneath the numbers to find other issues that may impact on the performance of the individual, and managers must be allowed to manage on that basis. We are also keen to ensure that the system are as easy to use as possible, for both clarity and to reduce the burden on our members, and we suggested a number of improvements to the system.
Representatives from your Industrial Relations Committee (IRC) will be attending as many of these meetings as possible. If you want to have a chat your IRC member will be more than happy to speak to you before or after the event.
Date Location Prospect Rep
1 Nov Scotland South (Glasgow) Archie Glen
TBC Scotland North (Inverness) Fiona Simpson
10 Nov Severnside (Bristol) Tristan Smart
11 Nov East of England (Adastral Park) Andy Joseph
16 Nov North East and Cumbria (Middlesbrough) TBC
17 Nov Midlands (Nottingham) Kevin Brookes
24 Nov Home Counties (Leavesden) Geoff English
25 Nov Wales and Staffs (Cardiff) Tristan Smart
30 Nov North & South Downs (Sevenoaks) Bob Thatcher
2 Dec London North (Brentwood) Andy Joseph
7 Dec Mid York, Sheff & Lincs (Leeds and Sheffield) TBC
8 Dec Northwest (Sedgely Park) TBC
9 Dec London TBC
This list may be subject to change.
Prospect will continue to support you in your role, not just collectively such as being part of meetings with Openreach on these issues but also individually. We hope that the clarity provided by these sessions will help to avoid these situations and assist in the successful transformation of Openreach which is important to the job security of us all. But should you need us, call us.
Remember, Prospect have clear policies relating to the type of assistance that can be provided to individuals who join the union with an existing issue. Existing members receive priority and a wider level of service than those who join with an issue. So if you have colleagues who are not already members they can join here.