Strike action on hold at National Physical Lab


Strike action on hold at National Physical Lab

Prospect members at the National Physical Laboratory are being balloted over a last minute resolution to their pay dispute.

A previous offer of 0% had been rejected by over 82% of members and industrial action had subsequently been planned for May 20.

A meeting held between Prospect and NPL management on May 13 saw an offer tabled equivalent to 1.5%.

Negotiations Officer Bob King said: “Our members had given us a clear mandate to achieve a consolidated pay increase and we are pleased that, even at the eleventh hour, NPL has put forward a consolidated offer we can put to members.”

Members now have the chance to vote on the offer in a ballot due to close on May 28. Industrial action has been suspended while the ballot takes place.

“We are recommending the offer to members as a pragmatic solution to pay for 2010. We believe the offer is reasonable in the circumstances despite inflation running at over 4%. We have to balance the needs of the laboratory with those of our members’ increased living costs,” Said King.

Commenting on an agreement, as part of the pay deal, which commits NPL and Prospect to on-going discussions about the future funding of the laboratory, King added:

“We are very pleased to be part of this process and believe the input of Prospect, its representatives and members, can be highly beneficial. We will be working with the organisation to ensure a secure future for NPL and its staff.”