MPs urged to back motion against FSS closure


MPs urged to back motion against FSS closure

An Early Day Motion expressing concerns over proposals to wind-down the Forensic Science Service has been tabled by Birmingham MP Steve McCabe.

The move comes just as the Home Office announced a review of research and development in forensic science in the face of mounting concern over who will fund and oversee developing technologies if FSS is closed.

EDM 1353 congratulates FSS staff for their roles in cases such as the Soham murders and the 7/7 terrorist attacks. It states that the break-up and "transfer of responsibilities, specialised skills, intellectual property and employees of the FSS will damage the UK's leading role in forensic science research and development".

The motion also criticises plans to leave forensic science open to the vagaries of an unstable and shrinking marketplace; notes opposition to the closure from campaigners such as Sara Payne and scientific experts like Sir Alec Jeffreys; and calls on the government to reverse its decision to close this world-renowned organisation.

Members are urged to contact their MP and ask them to sign the motion.

  • 27 Jan 2011