Pensions justice: Make a Date with your MP


Pensions justice: Make a Date with your MP

As Prospect gears up for the November 30 day of action against the government's pension cuts - potentially the largest trade union protest since 1926 - you can help make a difference.

It doesn't matter whether you are being balloted or not, whether you work in the public or private sector, there are some key things you can do to help us, as we work towards a ‘yes' vote in the ballot, and then a big response on November 30.

1. Make a Date with your MP in November

We have run successful campaigns encouraging our members to write to or email their MPs in the past. We want to step that up a gear. If thousands of Prospect members can make appointments to meet their local MP at their constituency surgery, the Party whips and individual MPs will sense the scale of anger among ordinary, reasonable, skilled professional people in the UK.

So please ‘Make a Date' to see your local MP in the month of November. Let's fill up their local surgeries in November and ask them to support us and take up our cause. There's a two-page pensions briefing for MPs here and you can access a Q&A, resources and news updates from the home page of the pensions justice area of the website.

See details of how to contact your MP here.

So that we know how many Prospect members have directly lobbied their MP in person on Pensions Justice please send feedback about your meeting to: [email protected]

2. Twitter and Facebook

The Prospect ballot for industrial action opened on October 24 and runs till November 14. If you have a Twitter account, or if you are on Facebook, you can help to spread messages on behalf of your union.

The Prospect Twitter account can be followed from

You can join the union on Facebook at

If you have followers and friends on these social media sites who are likely to be taking part in the ballot, we would like you to ‘retweet' our Twitter messages and to write on the union's Facebook wall, to encourage members to vote in the ballot.