Prospect has spent some weeks consulting with members following the ending of pay negotiations for 2011 with Ericsson across the three bargaining groups represented collectively by the union. You can read the offer from the company by clicking on the link to the right of this page. This has been updated following our earlier communication to members.
Where members have attended the meetings, dialled into conference calls or spoken to their reps we have listened to views over the offer itself, explained the progress made in negotiations and explored the possible options should the offer not be accepted.
The views of members' shared with us have, of course, been varied. However we do believe that there is enough commonly shared across the bargaining units to go forward to ballot members. Please note that this is a union member's only ballot.
Prospect recommend that you vote "Yes" to accept this offer on the basis that the offer is the best that the negotiating team believe can be achieved through negotiations with the company.
That is not to say that we believe that it is an offer that reflects the efforts that you and your colleagues have put into making your contracts successful or the increases in the cost of living, it does not.
However after 7 months of negotiations and over a month consulting with members in advance of this ballot we do not believe that there is a realistic likelihood of securing a significantly improved offer through taking industrial action.
It is, though important that we clearly identify the improvements that your union has secured in this pay round set against an unprecedented tough background for pay negotiations across the wider economy.
We have secured a consolidated increase for over 90% of those covered by collective bargaining, many of whom have not had an increase for many years. We have secured additional funding for those significantly below the 'market median' and we have negotiated a lump-sum 2% payment for the relatively small number of members who remain above the 120% threshold.
Ericsson has confirmed that you will be advised what the salary bandings are for the role that you do, you can check these by clicking on the link to the right of this page. Ericsson has said that for confidentiality it will not provide information for roles where there are less then 4 people. If your role is not listed you should ask your line manager or HR what salary band applies to you.
Payments will be made to employees with a 'Good' or better rating, however if your rating is below that and moves to it during 2011 the pay increase will apply from then. Ericsson has confirmed to Prospect that it does not force distribution of ratings. If you are in this position you may wish to speak to your rep as we have had good success in the past at helping members.
In addition to the above pay offer we have also secured a commitment with Ericsson that we will enter into consultation and negotiations with Prospect, with a view to reaching agreement, around a review of (this list is not exhaustive) shift payments, overtime rates, Call Out payments, Extended Duty Allowance (EDA) and associated working hours and holidays, the focus of this will be the field organisation in the first instance.
Ericsson and representatives for the O2 Managers bargaining group will also be meeting to discuss contractual working hours v actual working hours with a view to finding a solution that supports the sensible management of working hours and where appropriate, in line with existing terms and conditions and appropriate recompense.
Ericsson and Prospect have committed to aiming to conclude these negotiations in advance of the next pay negotiations which will start early in 2012.
While we do not know that the end result of those negotiations will be, we do know that in the past this has been a source of real frustration for members and we will be reflecting this in those negotiations. Our principled position will be that members will need to collectively accept any proposed changes, and if this does not happen no agreement will be possible.
If members vote to accept the pay offer, as Prospect recommends, salaries and salary-related payments such as overtime will be recalculated back to 1 January. In addition voluntary severance calculations for those still in post at the time that the offer is accepted will be updated to reflect their new salaries.
You will shortly receive an e-ballot to the address we hold on record for you. The ballot will run from 5pm on Thursday 28 July to midday on Tuesday 16 August 2011 in order to give members on annual leave the opportunity to vote.
If the offer is accepted Ericsson has confirmed that payments will be made in the September payroll.
If you have any questions please contact your Prospect representative in the first instance, or call the Connect Sector Helpdesk on 020 8971 6060 or email [email protected].