Remapping Exercises in BTGS


Remapping Exercises in BTGS

BTGS has informed the union that role re-mapping exercises are being undertaken in BTGS Gov. and Health, BTGS Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) and Vendor Management.

Specifically this appears to make a removal of Sales Bonus likely for some and you may have already been informed if this affects you.

Prospect's BTGS Industrial Relations Committee (IRC) has written (see document on the left hand side of this page) to the company seeking clarification on the rationale behind this exercise and to ensure that the existing agreed re-mapping process will be adhered to. The re-mapping procedure highlights that a business case should be produced to evidence the need for a re-mapping and it is reasonable to assume that this will be provided to those involved. We have also highlighted our view that this process needs to be transparent and that individuals involved are able to input directly into it.

Individuals who are re-mapped face the possibility of being moved to a new role which carries a lower level of OTB. Given the subsequent impact on future earnings potential we have asked BTGS to ensure that the current level of Sales Transition Allowance (STA) payments will apply to anyone affected by this review, and that any inappropriate sales targets are removed where an individual has seen the removal of a Sales OTB.

We expect to discuss the issues raised with BTGS at the earliest opportunity and we will report back to members on developments. If you are aware of non-members affected by these issues please do ask them to join us by visiting

In the meantime if you have any questions concerning these re-mapping exercises please contact a member of the BTGS IRC , or contact [email protected]