TUC sets up Pensions Justice website for 30 November


TUC sets up Pensions Justice website for 30 November

The TUC has created a website devoted to the campaign for pensions justice. It provides a wealth of information and materials including:

  • information about the triple squeeze on pensions, with the switch from RPI to CPI indexing, higher contributions and increases to the retirement age
  • a pensions mythbuster, showing that public service pensions are not gold-plated
  • information about the 30 November day of action
  • flyers, stickers, logos etc for reps and activists to use in their own workplaces.

There are also plans to add a pensions calculator in the near future. Visit the site at http://pensionsjustice.org.uk

Prospect is balloting its own members  for national strike action on 30 November, with the option for further action if there is no positive movement from the government. The Prospect ballot will run from 24 October-14 November.