SOM Development Centres


SOM Development Centres

SOMs (Senior Operations Managers) working in Service Delivery in Openreach will have heard today that the role is subject to some changes in emphasis, an updated job description and a re-focus of the capabilities and skills.

Individual development for the DPR year 2012

Prospect has been taken through the proposals by Openreach, and we were able to ask a number of questions and understand the business intention. We were reassured to hear that there are no targets for reductions to the numbers of SOMs currently within the structure, and we welcome the word “development” being a key part of the programme. This means that if there are competencies which either individuals or groups need support/training to develop (in line with the newer definitions of the SOM role), then those areas can become the focus of their PDP for the new performance year starting in April 2012. Members may wish to note that this is not about informing the existing performance year, and it’s not about re-designing objectives or achievements for the current DPR year.

Individuals will be given the training and support necessary to grow in role. In addition, Openreach nationally will be assessing the overall impact of the development centres, and if bespoke training is required either locally or nationally, then the Learning and Development Organisation within Openreach will be engaged to help plug those gaps. This programme should not be a challenge to most of our members. Having said that, we recognise that any kind of change and invitation to an event like this can be unsettling, but we would encourage members to keep in touch with their Line Managers if they have any concerns, and of course the union’s helpdesk if these are not being addressed. To that end, following todays announcement, we understand each GM is to sit down with their SOMs and individually coach them in advance of the development centre itself.

The Development Centres

Each SOM is being invited to attend a 1 day Development Centre, during which they’ll need to participate in various role plays and exercises which pick up the shift in emphasis on the SOM role. Openreach have invested in this project, and are making use of Penna as external consultants throughout. Penna helped design the programme, and will be helping to pull together the feedback which individuals will use to understand how they develop their careers from this point. A facilitator is available on the day too, so you should keep in touch with them if there’s anything you’re not sure of.

Resourcing/Structural Implications

From a resourcing point of view, we understand there is no intention to reduce SOM numbers as a result of this project. There are some small structural changes taking place, but there are also some vacancies, and some temporary SOMs in role. This programme gives Openreach the opportunity to address those situations, and appoint permanent staff and tidy up the structure so it’s fit for purpose going forward.

Meeting the “threshold” standard

At the end of the Development Centre, individuals will understand whether or not they’ve met the threshold level of expected performance, and there are various levels above that which define the level of competency development now required. If an individual does not meet that threshold level of performance (and we should reiterate that it’s not anticipated that many people fall into this category) then the business has indicated that they are likely to then sit down with those individuals and discuss their options going forward. This may well mean that redeployment or other options are discussed at that point. Obviously we’d advise any members in this situation, (should it come about) to contact the Helpdesk so that we can support them through these discussions. Our meetings with Openreach have suggested that this is a possibility, but the company have been keen to emphasise it’s likely to affect only small numbers of SOMs, if it does happen. We have asked to be kept informed at all stages of the project, so the union will be able to monitor how many people are affected in this way.

Conclusion – and contact us!

On the whole, Prospect’s view is that this is a positive project and we welcome the focus on enhancing skills, capability and career development. The business is investing in this financially and in terms of time, so we’d encourage our members to try and get the best out of it. This means taking the time to prepare and ensuring you allow yourself time to focus on it.

If any members have any concerns or questions which have not been addressed, or if there are individuals who have particular circumstances or concerns that they would like to flag at this stage, please contact the union asap, either through a member of the IRC or the helpdesk. We are keen to support all of our members and help the business to get this right, so as always we welcome your feedback.

Not yet a member?

Don’t forget, the union is only available to provide advice and support to members. So if you’re not yet a member of Prospect but support the work we do, please consider joining now. You can join online or via the Helpdesk.