We are aware that a great deal of good work is being undertaken in identifying redeployment opportunities and there will be some roles retained. The legal consultation period will begin fairly soon. Although the work won’t transfer until July it is important that all members have fully updated their CVs, prepare themselves for job interviews and are looking for alternative job opportunities within the company. HR is more than happy to assist.
Some of you will be aware that there are special pay and protection arrangements available for some of your team members on Newgrid terms and conditions, but others recruited subsequently and indeed managers only have protection for their grades and current salaries – not for their pay ranges and potential salaries.
This has particular implications for MPGs that you need to be aware of when seeking redeployment.
You will have received Prospect’s communications about our pay negotiations this year. These are still unresolved, nonetheless the company has for the first time published the indicative market ranges on which its pay matrix is based. I attach a copy of our recent briefing which contains links to both the market ranges and the pay matrix that applies to MPGs. You will have been made aware of the pay range applicable to you. If not you should ask your line manager and check. Where you are positioned on your pay range is critical in relation to potential pay awards. Please take the time to read our recent brief to understand it.
When considering redeployment opportunities, you will want to understand what the indicative market range is for a role when making your decision, whether to apply for or indeed accept a role.
I hope this information is helpful to you. If you require any clarification or further assistance please do not hesitate to respond to this communication.