Resourcing in BT Retail


Resourcing in BT Retail

BT has informed Prospect of two Voluntary Leaver Schemes that are due to commence within BT Retail.

As BT Enterprises’ looks at the most efficient way to deploy its people across the organisation employees have been invited, in confidence, to express if they have an interest in accepting a leaver package. Such a response does not indicate an agreement to leave and should an individual decide to remain with BT their career will not be affected. The scheme will run until September 2012.

As part of a reorganisation within BT Business a small number of leaver packages will be advertised from late May through to the end of July 2012. Again, this is a voluntary scheme and expressions of interest will be treated in confidence. Members who have any questions on either of the schemes should contact their local Prospect representative or the Prospect helpdesk. 

Prospect was recently invited to attend one of the Roadshows run by Mike Landers, BT Directories Sales Director. Whilst we are supportive of the plans to  create a new business model  that will  drive growth within Directories we have also expressed concern over the level of targets that have been set for 2012/2013. We have written to the company to ask that these targets remain under review in order to maintain confidence in the transformation programme.  We will update members on the progress of these discussions.