Massive cuts threaten London Transport Museum


Massive cuts threaten London Transport Museum

London Transport Museum has started a campaign in response to Transport for London’s decision to slash 25% of its grant to the Museum over the next four years. The Save London Transport Museum campaign team are working to try to reverse devastating funding cuts at London Transport Museum into Parliament, but to do this they need your help.

John Cryer MP has tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM 713) in support of the campaign. EDMs are put forward by MPs to publicise particular causes and to gather the support of fellow MPs.  The Campaign Team are asking that as many people as possible email their MPs now and ask them to support the EDM

The Team have launched their campaign in response to Transport for London’s decision to slash 25% of its grant to the Museum over the next four years. This, combined with the loss of an Arts Council grant of £1 million per year amounts to a substantial cut to the Museum’s revenue and it was clear that a robust defence of the Museum needed to be mounted.

The Museum management have now made clear the scale of the crisis, predicting a £705,000 deficit in 2015/16. For a relatively small Museum, such a deficit is unsustainable and jeopardises the ability of the Museum to continue the remarkable success and growth it has seen since it was completely refurbished in 2007.

We and the Campaign Team want your MP to demonstrate their support for London Transport Museum by signing up to the EDM. But they’ll only do this if you write and ask them!

Write to them now using this easy web tool.