After a long battle with Barclays Bank, Natural History Branch Branch treasurer, John Hunnex has managed to get access to a dormant Branch account. There had been a sorry saga of appalling customer service and Barclays eventually accepted they had been at fault and offered £200 compensation.
The Branch Committee decided to donate this “bonus” to the Museum Benevolent Fund, so it could benefit staff in need of financial support. A cheque to the Benevolent Fund, for £200, was presented by John to Chris Hills, Head of HR, at the meeting of the Whitley GPC on 17 July.
At the same time the Branch Committee were discussing what to do with the Barclay’s windfall, they noticed an article from the Museums Association about Directors Bonuses for 2011/12. The article (see link below) pointed out that some National Directors had donated bonuses to their institutions.
Members at the NHM Branch AGM were critical of Mike Dixon for being one of the Directors that intended to keep their bonus. Prospect Negotiations Officer, Mike Weiler, passed on the Branch criticism to Mike Dixon, who was defensive about keeping his bonus, as it was part of his pay package and subject to meeting performance criteria.
The Branch Committee hope Mike Dixon will follow their example and donate his bonus to benefit the Museum.