MPs sign up to Prospect Pledge


MPs sign up to Prospect Pledge at Commons launch event

More than 20 MPs from across the political spectrum attended the launch of the Prospect Pledge campaign in the House of Commons on 6 November.

The campaign calls on union members to send ‘pledge’ cards to their elected representatives, and encourage them to sign up to four policy ideas put forward by Prospect.

Each of the guest speakers spoke about a specific pledge.

On the STEM pledge, Meg Munn MP (Labour) said, “We need women to work in science, technology, engineering and maths areas, where we have skill shortages.

“What’s really important is to have everybody working together to make sure that we have more women working in these areas, but also once they are qualified, that they stay.”

On the pledge to stop the brain drain of skilled civil servants, Andrew George MP (Lib Dem) called them the ‘unsung heroes of government.’

“At the end of the day, Ministers go through the revolving door of each political department… the civil servants are the ones that have to hold the ship together.”

Robert Halfon MP (Conservative) spoke about the necessity of increasing opportunities for people by ensuring that companies who get procurement contracts have to hire apprentices.

Halfon said improving public procurement was a pledge, he was ‘proud to support.’

Mike Clancy, Prospect’s general secretary, said:

“Our voice is wise and full of expertise and we want to make sure that the political community hear it loud and clear.”

Alan Grey, Prospect President, said: "This was an extremely successful event which clearly showed the benefits of Prospect's political neutrality policy as we had politicians from all the major parties signing the pledge but also singing Prospect's praises for raising these important issues.”

More information about the pledges can be found on the Prospect website.

Members will receive ‘pledge’ cards with the November issue of Profile magazine. You can tick some, or all, of the pledges that are most important to you and then send it to your elected representatives to highlight these issues as we approach the 2015 general election. 

Signatories at the Prospect Pledge launch:

Russell Brown MP
Sarah Champion MP
Frank Doran MP
Jim Fitzpatrick MP
Andrew George MP
Mary Glindon MP
Robert Halfon MP
Tom Harris MP
John Healey MP
Julian Huppert MP
Meg Munn MP
Chi Onwurah MP
Albert Owen MP
John Robertson MP
Alison Seabeck MP
Jim Sheridan MP
John Spellar MP
Dave Watts MP 

Prospective Parliamentary Candidates

Jess Asato
Jamie Hanley
Joanna Stevens
Mary Wimbury