Students seek evidence on job market


Students seek evidence on job market

The National Union of Students has launched a Commission on the Future of Work.

The NUS is calling for evidence on the challenges and solutions to employment issues facing students and study-leavers (those who have recently completed their studies).

Prospect will play a key role in the commission as Sue Ferns, director of communications and research, is one of the experts on its panel.

NUS campaigns officer Lucy Hawthorne said: “At a time when the cost of studying is steadily rising, and being educated at post-compulsory level no longer offers the long-term employment guarantees it once did, many students and study-leavers across the UK are understandably anxious about their future.”

Exploring the jobs market

The commission will focus on three areas:

  • creating new opportunities – how can more jobs be created?
  • quality opportunities – how can pay, progression, terms and conditions and other quality issues be improved?
  • pathways to work – how can we help students and study-leavers from all backgrounds get into work?

It is seeking evidence on:

  • the key challenges facing students and study-leavers, employers, educational bodies and other stakeholders
  • proven solutions and good ideas.

Sharing the findings

The Commission will make recommendations to: government and political parties; employers; civil society organisations; the education sector; and the student and youth movement.

The findings will also guide NUS campaigning on employment ahead of the general election.

NUS is collaborating with The Work Foundation which will write up the findings.

Submitting evidence

You can share your views with The Future of Work Commission through:

  • written evidence to [email protected]
  • oral evidence hearings on 19 May and 2 June 2014 in the House of Commons from 10am-12pm.

For more information please contact Lucy Hawthorne, by email at [email protected] or 07585 969865.

Follow the Commission and NUS campaign at #NewDealforWork.