TUPE and privatisation


Coalition makes privatisation cheaper and easier – at workers’ expense

Government amendments to the collective redundancies and transfer of undertakings regulations, better known as the TUPE regulations, “make privatisation cheaper and easier at the expense of workers and worsen terms and conditions and pay”, said Gordon McNab (Air Traffic Systems Specialists).

He explained that Prospect took part in the consultation process and detailed its opposition to the amendments*. But the government pressed ahead and introduced the changes, which now form part of the TUPE regulations, in January 2014.

Delegates endorsed the motion which instructs the national executive committee to:

  • monitor employers who argue that TUPE doesn’t apply
  • monitor employers seeking to make detrimental changes when TUPE does apply
  • ensure branches and members understand the changes and potential impact they will have on members
  • ensure continued Prospect recognition post TUPE transfer.

* Download the submission