Prospect presses for the abolition of tribunal fees


Prospect presses for the abolition of tribunal fees

Prospect has made a submission to the Justice Select Committee Inquiry pressing for the abolition of fees to bring cases to an employment tribunal.

The coalition government introduced a range of new and increased court and tribunal charges, including fees of up to £1,200 to bring a claim to an employment tribunal. The Justice Committee is currently holding an inquiry into the impact of these policies.

The number of employment tribunal claims has fallen by almost 70% since fees were introduced in July 2013. It is clear that the excessive fees to bring claims are pricing many workers out of justice.

In its submission to the select committee, Prospect expresses fundamental opposition to fees.

Marion Scovell, head of Prospect Legal, states in the submission: “Prospect believes the fall-off in claims has been scandalous. Through the introduction of fees, coupled with seriously detrimental changes to other aspects of employment law, the government has not only made it easier and cheaper to sack people through their onslaught on workers’ rights over the last five years, but have also removed the opportunity for many workers to pursue valid claims.”

“The number of claims presented by Prospect for our members has not dropped, because we pay the fees for members where we support the case,” continued Marion. “This demonstrates just how important union membership is for individual workers.”