Wanted: New MoD PM system


Wanted: New MoD PM system

Prospect looks forward to working with MoD to develop a “new and better system” for performance management over the summer.

Ministry of Defence sign

Permanent Secretary Stephen Lovegrove announced last week that MoD would seek feedback through surveys and workshops, with a view to developing an approach to performance management that will engage and motivate staff.

Prospect has been a vocal critic of the Cabinet Office approach to performance management, with its mandated forced distribution and punitive focus. Members have reported unfair treatment throughout the process, but especially at the moderation stage, where unevidenced changes are made to the performance markings that line managers give their own staff. Alan Grey, Prospect MoD Group President, said “Performance management was an experiment that has failed, with destructive consequences for staff morale and for MoD. Prospect has pressed MoD for change and will now continue that dialogue with the aim of agreeing a new system that recognises our members’ contribution and commitment”.