Scotland's "more enlightened" attitude to unions


Recognise differences in attitudes to trade unions

The Scottish Government has a much more enlightened attitude to trade unions, David Hunter (Scottish Government) told delegates.

Civil Service Conference 2017

Hunter outlined the differences in approach to industrial relations between the UK and Scottish governments and said people should give credit when it’s due.

For example, the Scottish Government:

  • honours progression payments that are outside, above and beyond the annual pay settlement
  • has had an agreement on no compulsory redundancies for a number of years
  • underpins wage increases for the poorest paid staff with a guaranteed pay rise in excess of the general pay settlement
  • gives union representatives and full-time officers regular access to high-ranking ministers to discuss pay and other issues.

Delegates backed the motion which called for the executive to recognise the different approaches to bargaining and trade union engagement in its communications with members and not to adopt a “one size fits all” approach.