BT Pay 2017/2018 Update


BT Pay 2017/2018 Update

An update for members following the latest round of pay talks and negotiations with BT. 

Prospect wrote to you during August informing you that BT had agreed to re-open negotiations with your union on pay for 2017/18. This was clearly a welcome decision following BT’s earlier announcement not to award an annual pay rise to staff covered by the Reward Framework.

Prospect is pleased to announce that negotiations began in earnest with BT at the beginning of September. The company have reiterated their view that they would like to conclude negotiations by the end of this month. This will mean a period of intense discussion between the company and the union, but Prospect would hope that an offer will emerge that we can then recommend to you.

Inevitably, the negotiations will be conducted in confidence between the BT and Prospect pay teams. Therefore, we ask Prospect members to be patient over the coming weeks, accepting that your patience has been stretched over the past few months on the issue of pay. Nevertheless, the union could not have got to this point without your willingness to back Prospect when we asked you to.

Once again, thank you for your continued support and forbearance.