Scottish Government Improves Public Sector Pay Policy


Prospect welcomes improvements in Scottish Public Sector Pay Policy

Following pressure by trade unions and opposition parties the Scottish Government's Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Constitution, Derek Mackay announced last week that the Government will make a substantial improvement to it's Public Sector Pay Policy.

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The change guarantees a minimum increase of 3% to all staff earning less than £36,500. This means that over 75% of all public sector workers in Scotland will now benefit from the minimum 3% uplift. It represents a significant difference from the policies being followed by the Westminster Government for it's staff.

Speaking on behalf of over 1000 Prospect members who are covered by the Policy, Richard Hardy, Prospect union national secretary said, "We very much welcome the move by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, in responding to the views put to him by Prospect and other public sector unions, and we continue to recognise the benefits of the Scottish Governments policy for our members when compared to Prospect members whose pay is determined by Westminster."

Hardy continued "We remain very disappointed however about the ongoing cap of 2% for those earning over £36,500. Everyone has suffered due to austerity, and we will certainly seek to hold Mr Mackay to his comments that this is the start of a journey, not the end."

Pay negotiations across the Scottish Sector are ongoing and members will be kept updated about progress.