Members will have seen the communication from Clive Selley yesterday morning following on from last week’s announcement by Gavin Patterson about the People Framework and its implications for Openreach.
Prospect has expressed its dismay and disappointment to BT that we were not given advance notification of the communication before it was sent out to Openreach managers and that the message did not refer to consultation with Prospect. We have also raised concerns about the timing of the message and its content.
As per the email from Prospect National Secretary, Philippa Childs to all members in BT last Thursday, whilst discussions have been taking place at a national level about the review of the Reward Framework and the potential impact on employees, no agreement has yet been reached on the detail.
Openreach has confirmed to Prospect today that no decisions have yet been made and that Prospect will be consulted on any proposals – including any reduction in manager roles – at a very early stage.
In addition, Prospect's Opeanreach committee has asked for a meeting with Kevin Brady to discuss what the People Framework is likely to mean for members in Openreach.
Prospect will communicate further with members once more details about the potential impacts of the People Framework are known.