Heathrow decision welcome, but resilience must be part of the plan, says Prospect


Heathrow decision welcome, but resilience must be part of the plan, says Prospect

Prospect represent many staff in airports including at Heathrow

Plane in sky near air traffic control tower

Mike Clancy, Prospect general secretary said, in response to news that the Cabinet is about to approve a third Heathrow runway:

“As a union representing thousands of people in the aviation sector the government’s decision to support airport expansion is welcome but long overdue.

“We hope MPs will support expansion to unlock the jobs and growth that it will bring.

“If the government and industry wants to maximise the benefits of expansion, including to improve the resilience of the system, it must resist the temptation to cut corners when planning the construction and operation of new capacity.

"This has to include a skills strategy to make sure we have a proper plan to develop the next generation of professionals we will need, alongside detailed strategies to deal with noise, carbon emissions, air quality and regional connectivity.

“The government must also look to the wider planning of airport capacity in the UK including the strong case for additional capacity at Gatwick too.

“Finally, important promises have been made to our regional airports that connections to and through Heathrow will be enhanced. The government must make sure that these are now kept.”