Brexit White Paper fails to provide confidence on jobs


Brexit White Paper fails to provide confidence on jobs

Tougher action is still needed to protect jobs and investment Prospect has said in response to the government’s Brexit White Paper.

EU and UK flags on a flat surface

Despite some concessions around the need for collaboration with Europe to protect UK jobs, the White Paper fails to meet Prospect’s tests of a Brexit that put jobs first.

Prospect has been campaigning to ensure politicians across all parties prioritise a Brexit that works for our members, with a particular focus on employment rights, the rights of EU citizens in the UK, industrial certainty,  protecting UK research and science including the movement of workers around Europe, and the Irish border question.

Mike Clancy, General Secretary of Prospect, said:

“The White Paper is the clearest indication yet that the government has no real answers to deal with the big issues affecting our members in areas of vital national interest like science, air traffic control, environmental protection, energy or the civil service.

“After months of infighting, division, and dead end proposals, all the government have been able to come up with is a plan that at best leaves us paying more money for less influence and at worst sabotages vital cooperation and trading arrangements.

“Little in these proposals will reassure industry or our members that the cost of Brexit will not impact on jobs and investment, or jeopardise vital employment standards and hard fought for rights.

“Brexit is too important to get wrong – it is clear once again that giving people a say is the only way to legitimise the final deal.”