Prospect puts air traffic issues on First Ministers Radar


Highland airports air traffic control plans, Pay and Brexit on agenda for meeting with First Minister

Prospect took its concerns about the proposed remote operation of air traffic control at airports across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland directly to the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, today; at our regular meeting with her on public sector issues. Also on the agenda were public sector pay, fair work and Brexit. 

Air traffic controller

Prospect has long been concerned about proposals by Highland and islands Airports Limited (HIAL) to locate all air traffic operations for the airports at Stornoway, Wick, Sumburgh, Kirkwall, Dundee and Benbecula at Inverness and operate the airports remotely. Today we raised those concerns with the First Minister, as well as having a wide ranging debate on public sector pay, fair work and Brexit

"We really value these meetings with the First Minister, they are invariably positive and often lead to progress on a number of issues" explained Prospects National Secretary for Scotland and Ireland Richard Hardy "today we welcomed the First Ministers ongoing commitment to public sector pay being a journey, a journey of which 2018 pay represents only a first step."

"When you consider how the Westminster Government treats it's Civil Servants, it refreshing and welcoming to meet with a politician who recognises both their value and the value their unions bring" Hardy continued "today wasn't about reaching any conclusions about HIAL or pay, but we welcome the First Ministers engagement and her commitment to investigate the issues we raised further.