Prospect joins call to put children at heart of Government spending plans


Prospect joins call to put children at heart of Government spending plans

Prospect is joining over 120 organisations in an open letter to the Prime Minister and Chancellor that calls for the Government to no longer ignore children’s needs in spending plans.


raised hands in front of blackboard

The call is being picked up by the media and it is important that the message is heard far and wide.

Our letter highlights the pressing challenges facing services and other support for children and is an unprecedented and broad coalition of children’s charities and other organisations including trade unions such as Prospect’s Education and Children’s Services Group.   

Our members undertake a wide range of non-teaching professional roles, for example in early intervention, SEND, safeguarding, inclusion and schools improvement and every day see the impact of inadequate supporting children and their families.

The Local Government Association has responded to the call for improved funding with Cllr Anntionette Bramble, Chair of LGA’s Children and Young People Board saying,

“This a compelling demonstration of the grave concerns shared across the sector” adding “Councils have long-called for the Government to recognise the urgency of the funding crisis facing children’s services, which are fast approaching a tipping point and face a funding gap of £3 billion by 2025 just to keep services running at current levels”.

We are asking members to join the call by -

  • sharing the open letter and supporting our call via social media using the hashtag #ChildrenAtTheHeart
  • signing the public petition asking the Government to put #ChildrenAtTheHeart of spending