Highlands and Islands controllers prepared to take industrial action over pay


Highlands and Islands controllers prepared to take industrial action over pay

HIAL air traffic controllers make call in ongoing dispute

Aviation workers

Prospect Air Traffic Controllers in Highlands and Islands Airport Limited have voted near unanimously that they are prepared to take industrial action in an ongoing dispute over pay.

Air Traffic Members rejected a 2% pay offer earlier in the year as it fails to close the substantial gap between HIAL and the rest of the air traffic industry in the UK and across Europe.

Prospect balloted controllers holding an operational licence. Every member voted and there was near unanimous support for action.

HIAL have agreed to emergency talks later this week to resolve the dispute. Both Prospect and HIAL are entering into the talks to try and seek a resolution.

David Avery, Prospect Negotiations Officer said:

“There is an international shortage of air traffic controllers. HIAL rates of pay have fallen significantly behind the other air traffic providers in the UK and this is now having an impact on operations. Members want HIAL to address this issue now before they fall even further behind. ”

Prospect will not be making any further statements until after the talks have taken place.

The dispute is not about the companies proposals to centralise air traffic services in Inverness. While members are opposed to these proposals we are still engaging with the company and politicians to reverse the in-principle decision to proceed.