Prospect welcomes Scottish Government Severe Weather Guidance


Warm welcome for Scottish Government cold weather guidance for workers from Prospect

Prospect has welcomed the new severe weather charter for employers and employees published today by the Scottish Government, in response to a number of weather incidents leading up to and including the "Beast from the East" in March 2018

Scottish Parliament building in the snow

Joint work between the Scottish Government and the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) representing Unions across Scotland started even before the snow from the "Beast" had melted, an indication of how seriously both the Unions and the Government have taken the incidents that occurred and the possibility of future issues.

Whilst employment law is not a devolved matter the Charter sets out a clear agenda for employers and employees, and it continues the "Fair Work" agenda which both the Government and the Unions have worked together to make a centre piece of employment in Scotland

Speaking on behalf of Prospect National Secretary Richard Hardy said "as someone who has been involved in this process from the start I cannot commend highly enough the work of both the STUC and the Scottish Government in seeking to protect the health and safety of workers across the Scottish economy"

"This just shows what can be achieved when an Government values the input of Trade Unions and works with them to do the right thing for workers" he conluded