Prospect negotiate a return to pay progression at James Hutton institute


Prospect members at the James Hutton Institute have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a pay deal that re-introduces pay progression

Staff at the institute were without progression for almost a decade following the introduction of UK public sector pay austerity. 

As a charity, the institute worked with Prospect to move away from being tied to UK Government pay policy in 2017, and this opened up the opportunity to move to progression.

  • 18 Feb 2019
  • Pay


Prospect are the only recognised union for the employer negotiating for almost 400 members at the institution.  Negotiations Officer Ian Perth said ‘This was a major win for our members. But it's also a positive for the employer. The institution can now be more competitive as it attempts to attract the best staff around the world while our members can now expect to reach their benchmark salary within a reasonable period of time. ‘’

‘’While negotiations lasted longer that expected, ultimately the strong partnership between the institute and Prospect led to a fair deal. Some members will see their base salary rise by over 4% in the coming weeks but more importantly all members can have confidence they will reach the agreed 'Benchmark Salary' within five years.'' 

Ian  went on to say, '' This achievement is down to the hard work and strong partnership approach taken by our senior reps at James Hutton Institute.''  

Alasdair Cox, Director of Operations at the institute who led the talks for the employer, said: “We continue to develop the partnership approach with Prospect to address the challenges faced by the Institute. This enables a frank and open discussion of the issues and increases the likelihood of an outcome that recognises our shared long term aim of the sustainability of the Institute. The pay negotiations were complex, and at times difficult, however all involved were professional and mindful of our values and I thank them sincerely for their efforts.”