Prospect responds to Scottish Government's "Programme for Government"


Prospect responds to Scottish Government's "Programme for Government"

It's no surprise that Brexit and climate change, along with a continuing push to address poverty and inequality, dominated this week’s Programme for Government in Scotland. There is no doubt that these are three key areas which Prospect can support.

  • 06 Sep 2019

Scottish Parliament

Prospect particularly welcomes the increased investment and ambitious targets for a Just Transition - as a leading proponent of a Just Transition for workers Prospect knows just how key this is to the ambitions and futures of our members. We also note the Programme’s position on moving to a zero emissions aviation zone in the Highlands and Islands and we will need to examine the Governments proposals on this issue to ensure our members in the aviation sector see a real Just Transition.

Attracting inward investment through the Green New Deal is also vital, but this has to be much more effective than previous initiatives at creating high quality, unionised jobs in Scotland.

Richard Hardy, Prospect's national secretary for Scotland, said:

"At a time when Brexit has dominated the Westminster Parliament we are happy to see Holyrood taking a lead on significant key issues affecting our members in Scotland. We look forward to working with the Scottish Government to ensure our members benefit from the programme it has announced."