The union is asking that all staff receive a salary increase at least in line with the Retail Prices Index.
It is also calling for pay and grading reviews in both organisations to provide a system that includes:
- a defined market rate for each role
- a narrow range around each market rate allowing for progression through to full competence and development of expertise above the median level
- a defined and fully-funded progression system which allows for progression through range based on competence
- full protection, including future inflationary increases, for any individual found to be paid beyond the new role maximum
- an immediate increase to at least the new role minimum salary for any individual currently paid below that level
- removal of non-consolidated bonus from pay scales
- any new pay and grading system to be equality proofed.
Prospect believes bonus should not be factored in to market rates because it is not subject to negotiation, not pensionable, not consolidated and not guaranteed.
Prospect negotiator Jez Stewart explained why the union is submitting a claim covering NDA and RWM:
- the pay systems are to all intents and purposes identical as they operate under the same evaluation system, the pay ranges are identical, they adopt a total cash approach with an assumption that 65% of bonus will be paid and both operate a progressional promotion system
- given managements’ insistence that they are subject to the civil service pay remit process, and that a single remit submission covers both employers, separate negotiations make no sense.
Civil service pay guidance
Prospect representatives met NDA management in early December 2019.
The employer said that even though the Energy Act says that the NDA has the authority to determine its own pay policy, the NDA’s framework document aligns NDA/RWM to the civil service pay remit process.
Prospect doesn’t believe that the NDA can be compelled to abide by the remit process given the provisions in the Energy Act.
It also doesn’t see any benefit to NDA/RWM staff in staying in the remit process.
Stewart said: “We understand that NDA/RWM have made representations at the highest level of government but have been unable to extricate themselves from the remit.
“We welcome their efforts and the clear indication that they are open to moving outside its constraints.
“Whether NDA or RWM are in or out of the remit, the pay system in both organisations needs a radical overhaul. Given several years of government-imposed pay restraint, the workforces deserve pay increases at least in line with inflation.”
Prospect has requested current salary data for both organisations and has been promised full details of the Korn Ferry Hay job evaluation process which has taken place, and Hay’s analysis of market comparators and proposed market rates.