Fair Work principles published in Scotland for Coronavirus outbreak


Unions agree Fair Work principles with Scottish Government for Coronavirus outbreak

As a result of meetings between the Scottish Trade Union Congress (STUC) and Scottish Government Ministers which have been taking place bi-weekly since the worsening of the Coronavirus outbreak, Scottish Government and the STUC have agreed a set of Fair Work principles which Government believes employers should now apply in workplaces.


Scottish Parliament

The principles cover a wide range of issues from protecting workers against infection, through payment to facilitating home working. The full agreement is available here . Whilst the principles are not legally binding we believe reps and members who are concerned about the behaviour of their employer will now have an additional tool to ensure employers protect and support their staff.

The Scottish Government as an employer as already reached an agreement with the four civil service unions, Prospect, PCS, FDA and POA which will be binding on Civil Service employers under the control of Scottish Ministers, and the Government has written to other public bodies in Scotland indicating their view that they must now do likewise. This agreement is in full here .

Prospect National Secretary for Scotland Richard Hardy who is part of the Scottish Government / STUC Covid 19 Group said of the agreements “once again the Scottish Government has engaged with the Trade Unions early, and sees our value as civic society partners. Our early meetings certainly had no holds barred, and their remain a significant number of issues and problems which we are working to overcome. However, these agreements show the value of having Trade Unions involved at the highest level, and we hope that members and reps will be able to use these agreements to ensure that they are safe and their jobs protected. Now is the time to encourage friends, family and co-workers to join a Trade Union at work, together we are stronger.”